Hi! I’m Lesieli, and I’m from Billings, Montana. I came here to get my wisdom teeth out by Dr. Boyce. I was referred by my orthodontist, Dr. Lambourne. I was super nervous to get my wisdom teeth out. I really am scared of needles, and so I don’t like going under. The staff was super nice, and they’re really friendly and welcoming. I wasn’t very nervous after they talked to me. It was not painful at all. Dr. Boyce kind of just talked me through it and told me that, you know, he was going to sit there and take out my
wisdom teeth, so no matter what I did, it was going to be okay. I have friends here around in Billings and View and Helena and Bozeman. Dr. Boyce is super nice and funny, and he just made me laugh all the time. It was a good experience.